Here are eight important guidelines to make sure your insurance company’s websites present an image of professionalism, are engaging customers and prospects and improve your insurance SEO to be indexed by top search engine. Websites must be updated at least every year If your website for your agency is not up-to-date It’s more essential than ever to make it more efficient or, even better, make a complete overhaul. Ten years ago, very few customers or prospects made a choice based on the information they gathered from the website. Nowadays, it’s not often that a prospective client isn’t on a site to research the company Church Insurance Agency.
Beware of large flash components. Although an Flash intro or significant Flash component might look nice however, it may reduce load speed and limit the amount of information that clients or potential customers can access.
Create an “Call to Action” that is easy to understand and comprehend. Each page on the insurance agency’s website should be specifically designed to reach out to clients and prospects and prompt them to take an decision. For instance, click below to get a free case studies; Attend our next webcast; Sign-up for our newsletter, and so on.
Simply, quickly and clearly present your company’s value-added proposition. Your value-proposition should be easier to understand as compared to an elevator pitch. five seconds should suffice.
Navigation on websites for insurance agencies must be easy and simple to comprehend. Accept the standard approach; don’t attempt to be innovative with navigation. If you are unsure, use redundant navigation either on the sides or at the bottom.
SEO for insurance should be an essential aspect for any insurance agency’s website. While the main purpose of a site is to attract new customers and customers SEO is the second factor to assist the most popular search engines locate your site. For instance when a potential customer types into “Maryland Business Insurance”, you’d like your business to be listed at the top of the results of a search engine.
Blogging has become a norm and vlogging is expected to soon be one. Blogging is enjoyable and easy to create; it assists in insurance SEO and search engine marketing and increases the stickiness of websites. Vlogging is the video-based version of blogging. It could be as easy as making an PowerPoint presentation and uploading it on your insurance company’s website.
It’s time to include an insurance agency’s social media marketing element on your site. It can be done by adding links to one of the following accounts: LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter accounts, or by integrating your blog with one of the various social media tools that can achieve this. You should expect the use of social media to be an increasingly important part of your insurance agency’s website marketing strategy over the next couple of years.
In the end, it’s crucial to keep in mind that content is the most important thing. Concise, up-to-date and clear content is essential for an insurance agency’s website. Your website’s content must be simple to comprehend by your customers, your potential clients or search engines “bots”. If you realize that you have other content that you would like to share with clients, set up a password protected portal or place to make available the content.